Jennifer Belfield:  Game Programmer and Software Developer

Survival Horror Game

I worked in a team of four people to make this game. My team included myself as Programmer, a Producer/Level Designer, a 3D Artist/2D Texture Artist, and an Animator/Concept Artist.

This game is a Survival Horror game. The game setting is an old wartime weapons factory, supposedly shut down after the war ended, but is still secretly in use by a madman who thinks that the war is still going on. Player uses first-person player controls, and must collect files to form proof against the criminal who killed their friend, and must escape the factory safely with the files.  A timed score is measured by how quickly the Player can accomplish these objectives.

I used C# in Unity to program enemy movement and animation loading, player interactivity with NPC, NPC AI and waypoints, NPC navigation with navmesh and navmesh agent, win/loss game functionality, file pick-up text display, pickup placement and functionality, coding UI for player damage, collision damage to player health from NPC attack, player score timer, player healthbar and functionality, player stamina bar and stamina functionality, and the option to restart if the Player dies.

I also recoded the Unity first person controller script in order to code player stamina, file-key status display and functionality to unlock CEO office/exit door, coded door rotation to open the doors. Player jump and sprint movement with keyboard input, player die functionality and display, level load at game title screen using Return key press, game reload when player dies. Ambient audio, NPC flashlight, light color change, and shadow. UI text display for game start and title screen and win game condition. UI text display of player time at win game and coding game timer to stop at win game.
Game Role:  Sole Programmer