Jennifer Belfield:  Game Programmer and Software Developer

Survival Game

I worked in a team of four people to make this game.  My team included myself as Programmer, a Producer/2D Artist, a 3D Artist/Level Designer, and an Animator/Paper Map Concept Artist

This game is a voxel style survival game. The objective is to move through the level map without dying in order to reach the treasure room.  Obstacles are NPCs that the player must fight using melee combat. The challenge that causes the player to lose the game is damage caused by NPCs during melee combat.  Survival strategies include avoiding or running from the NPC's, killing them without acquiring lethal damage from the NPCs, and using the health pickups for recharging player health. 

I used C# in Unity to code player and enemy movement and animation loading, NPC AI and waypoints, win/loss game functionality, pick-up functionality and rotation, coding particle movement, audio, collision events with audio and particles, player hit and kill score and display and functionality, the option to restart if Player dies, player and enemy health count, coding healthbars, key status display and functionality, treasure score count and display, and healthbars attached to NPCs and facing player.

I created my own animator controller for the NPC characters because the NPC character animations were several deform animations.  I did this by coding a game object to load and control the NPC character animations, and calling scripts from between its multiple scripts and using SetActive to view the appropriate animation during the correct state of the NPC.  Playable on PC or Xbox.  
Game Role:  Sole Programmer